Episode 01.05 – A Bucket or Something

Watch: Episode 01.05 – A Bucket or Something

There are buckets all over my apartment, to catch the last remnants of Hurricane Sandy and the runoff from my perpetually defective sink. The bad weather hasn’t done too much to derail Space Pirates in Space. Our release schedule has remained intact, and our numbers are about what I expected at this point in the game.

But there has been a pretty substantial loss of power and transportation to much of New York City, which means I haven’t been able to get to school, and that has had an effect on SPiS that you wouldn’t expect. Classmates with far greater technical know-how than I have been doing lots of wonderful work for me, including whipping the website into shape. The week before Halloween, we were about halfway there, and planned on doing the other half Monday the 29th. Miss Sandy had other plans.

And so you’ll notice the bottom half of our website still looks like yesterday’s newspaper. School starts up again this week, so hopefully I can get someone to do my job for me, and clean up all that social media stuff soon. This is important because it allows you, loyal readers, to follow the Boozy Dragon with ease.

While we still have our scaffolding up, get a head start on staying up to date by following us on Facebook and Twitter, and do us a kindness by sharing our show with your friends and family. Spreading the word is reward enough for us.

Watch: Episode 01.05 – A Bucket or Something

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Episode 01.04 – Captain Dave

Watch: Episode 01.04 – Captain Dave

You’ll notice that I have changed our method of notation for individual episode chapters. There is kind of a science to coming up with something that works. It’s harder than it looks. For one thing, there is the question of how to break down and define the individual cartoons that make up the SPiS story. Our team has a lot of story to tell, enough at least for several seasons worth of traditional broadcast television. (You heard it here first, folks. We know exactly where we are going, and we know how we are going to get there (at least I do.))

For the most part, these stories will be broken down into episodes that are about thirty minutes long (also like broadcast television). Each episode is then broken down into smaller videos, which are the semi-weekly updates that you have been watching and enjoying. Internally, we have been calling these videos “chapters.” (Actually, for the most part we’ve been calling them “Ep-cha-uh…what were we calling these things again?”) This is the breakdown. 30-50 chapters make up an episode. Several episodes make up a season, and several seasons would make us really happy. That said, we reserve the right to play with form as we go forward. I am really interested in playing with our web comic roots, and having a collection of one-off cartoons, rather than thirty-second increments of a longer story (not all the time, just when we write stuff that we think is funny).

So now the old notation probably makes sense. 10103 means (Season)1(Episode)01(Chapter)03. Oy. But now we’ve simplified it! Episode 01.04 means Chapter 04 of Episode 01. Done and done.

Another consideration is cramming all the text we need into Youtube video titles and tweets. When the title of your video is “Space Pirates in Space: Episode 01.03 – The Sinister Voice of Artholomew Marvelas,” those 140 characters go pretty darn fast.

We are learning as we go here, people.

Watch: Episode 01.04 – Captain Dave

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Chapter 10103 – The Sinister Voice of Artholomew Marvelas

Watch: Episode 01.03 – The Sinister Voice of Artholomew Marvelas

New chapter day! And an extra special one. Introducing new cast members, the Captain of the Boozy Dragon, Arth Marvelas, and his first mate, Lieutenant Jaime Conchord. LOVE these kids. I hope you do too.

Not just characters debut today, but collaborators as well. Sir Chris Hejl and Her Ladyship Aaron Ballard are also making their debut, as the voices of Arth and Jaime. Check them out on the Links page. They are oh so cool.

And this chapter also is the first instance of our original 8-bit musical score from composer and technomancer Mark Kleback. Check out his stufffff. It is cooooool.

If you’re digging Space Pirates in Space, tell the world! It keeps the funny coming.

Watch: Episode 01.03 – The Sinister Voice of Artholomew Marvelas

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Scene 10102: “The Great Destiny”

Watch: Episode 01.02 – The Great Destiny

Personally, this is one of my favorite moments in all we have done of Space Pirates in Space. We delve deeper into Goop’s character — and he’s just such a sweetheart. Also, we set up an enduring mystery: just what is The Great Destiny? What does Goop see in the captain that convinced him to continue his journey and explore the galaxy? Only time will tell. In the meantime, somebody better find Simon a napkin.

Last Saturday, we had a launch party to celebrate the premiere of Space Pirates in Space. About forty people came — an excellent turnout for this humble micro-movie-maker. The laughs were hearty, the dragons were boozy, and the lists all came in threes. The cast and crew were thrilled with the positive reception.

An extra special thank you to everyone who has been a part of this amazing journey. I hope you love the show as much as we do, and keep coming back!

Watch: Episode 01.02 – The Great Destiny

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Scene 10101: We Are in a Laboratory

Watch: Chapter 01.01 – We Are in a Laboratory

A bit of a laboratory, anyway. The Space Pirates team is trying something a bit different here, so tell us what you think.

You see, this isn’t a web series in the traditional sense. It’s not like Red vs Blue, or Megaman Dies at the End, or any any other serialized web animations, as awesome as those are. We are speaking quite literally when we say “animated web comic.” The pacing of Space Pirates in Space is more like Questionable Content than South Park. Imagine each scene happening in just four panels, and you’ll get a better idea of what we are trying to do here.

The goal is to update the site every Tuesday and Friday with new scenes, but we are in constant production, so if we get far enough ahead of you all, we will definitely accelerate our release schedule.

In the meantime, enjoy Space Pirates in Space! We are honestly very jealous of you. A great journey is about to begin. Fantastic new characters are coming up, hilarious adventures, and more than a couple dirty jokes. So stay tuned!

Watch: Chapter 01.01 – We Are in a Laboratory

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It Won’t Be Long Now

The very first episode of SPACE PIRATES IN SPACE premieres tomorrow, Saturday October 20th at Noon, New York City time. That’s 12:00PM, or when the big hand and the little hand high five on the XII.

So take out your smart phone and set an alarm. When Carly Rae Jepsen starts singing trhough the tinny speaker, you know it’s time for Space Pirates … IN SPACE!

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We’ve Got Pirating To Do

If you’re looking for the Space Pirates in Space blog, you have come to the right place. There will be more juicy gossip, how-tos, and assorted mayhem. The troll mines have been laid.

More updates will come as we need them.


[Edit: Unless explicitly credited, all posts are written by series creator Matt London, and reflect his views and opinions only, even when he uses the term "we" pretentiously.]

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